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Export user detail including Workgroups, Activites, Skills

I like the USERS page that provides a quick glance at users and I can even select the table and paste into Excel to sort and filter. It would be really cool if columns including Workgroups, Activities and Skills were added to that view, or could at least be exported. That would give a file where we could quickly review who was serving where, who wasn't (recruiting opportunities), who might be over-scheduled (burnout risk), # of volunteers in each workgroup/activity, etc. The more detail that could be exported (csv or xls) the better and would help managing volunteer resources.

Nathan , 03.03.2015, 10:09
Response from the site administrator
eaifah, 03.03.2015
This is a very good idea.
We do have plans to add a reporting feature that would provide the type of reports you just described. The use cases you just provided will be a great start for us in this area.
Idea status: scheduled


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